All in Nutrition

What Are Your 5 Top Kitchen Gadget Go To's?

My last blog post was all about what I think makes for a healthy lifestyle and of course number 2 on that list behind sleep, was good nutrition.

Easier said than done, I know!

For this post, I want to highlight the tools in the kitchen that make life easier and help me prep meals faster. Please feel free to share what are your go to tools!

Without further adieu, here are my 5 Must haves and 4 Really, Really Helpful gadgets:

Be Healthy They Say...How?

We all know that being healthy is important.

But, what does that mean and how do you know if you are healthy?

How do you measure health and are you measuring up?

Health for one person is different for another. One person may think a measure of good health is following a strict diet, another may asses their health by their physical abilities or be completely satisfied with their physician’s all clear.

I don’t think it really matters, what grade you give yourself and on what metrics, but what is important is that you do, think about it.

Here are my 4 Must Haves (for myself) For Health:

Yes, its Another Post on Drinking Enough Water

My apologies, to those who drink their recommended amount of water, feel free to skim through.

But, unfortunately you are in the minority.

It is estimated that 75% of Americans are dehydrated, and I suspect Canada and Europe aren’t far behind.

Water is the most important and abundant substance on Earth, it is the universal solvent and the human body is at least 60% water!

Water is the primary component of all the bodily fluids:

  • digestive juices

  • blood

  • lymph

  • urine

  • tears

  • sweat

9 Reasons Why Spirulina is So Awesome

If you aren’t familiar with this blue-green algae that is considered to be the most nutrient dense food in the world, let me introduce you to Spirulina.

Spirulina is, yes, essentially pond scum, but packs a serious nutrient punch. Used for centuries and grown in fresh, warm alkaline water Spirulina is:

  • a complete protein

  • antibacterial

  • has high levels of antioxidants

  • is 60% protein by weight, in fact by weight, spirulina has 3X more protein than beef

  • is an easily assimilated source of iron, perfect for vegetarians, vegans or people who don’t eat much meat

  • is an effective detoxifier, including heavy metals, due to its high chlorophyll content

  • high in omega 3, even the hard to get GLA, which is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties

  • has 4x the antioxidants of blueberries

Easy, Healthy Protein Balls

There are several protein bar/balls on the market. Some are good, meaning they are fairly healthy with wholesome ingredients and others are really bad with nothing but sugar and unhealthy fats in them.

Protein bars are super convenient, portable and easy to eat when in a hurry. There is definitely a time and place for a protein bar every once in awhile.

Unfortunately, I get horrible indigestion from everyone I try and I have tried with great expectations so many, without luck.

So, here is my recipe for homemade protein bars/balls, that don’t upset my stomach. This recipe is versatile, add in whatever you like, make it as health as you want, be creative. If you have leftover baking ingredients in your pantry this is a good way to use them up.

Gut Health: Yes, It Is Really Important.

Did You Know?

  • More than 40 diseases have been linked with bacterial imbalances in the gut ie) depression, IBS, Cancer, Arthritis, Colitis, Diabetes the list goes on

  • The gut produces 95% of your serotonin, this affects moods, energy levels, and sleep.

  • Our bodies are more bacteria than human

  • Over 20 million Canadians suffer from a digestive disease costing $18 Billion in health care and lost productivity.

Yes, the topic of gut health is definitely not glamorous and can be a bit embarrassing for some but for 2 out of 3 Canadians it is a huge deal and it is important we talk about it.

It is time, like with mental health, we start stripping away the stigma and shed light on issues that truly affect our health, like the importance of our digestive systems.

The digestion system is beginning to get the credit it deserves. Once thought as just mere vessels that broke down the foods we eat and move it along is no longer the only task it does. The whole digestive track and all its components are much more intelligent, sophisticated, and involved than originally thought!

The brain and gut send messages back and forth using the vagus nerve. The digestive system tells the brain stuff and the brain tells the digestive system stuff. How? Through the microbiota in the gut! Yes, the bacteria in the gut can communicate with the rest of the body, who knew?