The 7 year Old Hamburger....It's True
This McDonalds hamburger has been passed between my client and I for 7 years, much to his wife’s irritation. It all started as a simple conversation about a YouTube video I saw that he didn’t believe. The video was about a guy who forgot about a McDonalds hamburger in his coat pocket for several days, but nothing happened to it. My client didn’t believe me, and rightly so, it should have started to mold and decompose, but didn’t. So we decided to do a little experiment ourselves, 7 years ago!! We bought a McDonalds hamburger and it did not decompose, mold or go rancid. How is that even possible?? I don’t know, what I do know that if it doesn’t decompose like real food it is safe to assume, it’s not real food and it is full of preservatives. When we eat food that is not natural, how does it impact our bodies? Does it create stagnation, toxicity, and digestive upset? Yes, to all of the above. Words of advice, be very mindful when eating out, and what you are putting in your body. Ask yourself, is this real food? Will this help fuel me or will it cause disease? Happy eating all! For more information on how you can maneuver around take out menus and restaurants please feel free to reach out to me.