Allergy, Symptoms and Detoxification: A 3 Part Series on everything you may not know about Allergy

Allergy, Symptoms and Detoxification: A 3 Part Series on everything you may not know about Allergy

There is a familiar chill to the air in the evenings that tells us autumn is coming. Our bodies are very cyclical and regular cleansing, with the seasons is a good practice to adopt for optimal health.

I know I am very hard on my body during the summer. The days are longer and there is a celebratory carefreeness which allows for questionable foods to be eaten and more alcoholic beverages to be drunk!! My body can cope pretty well but there is always a tell tale sign when it has had enough, and to get my diet back in order.

Everyone is different. We all have different genetics, different tolerances, our exposure to toxins are different, and our ability to metabolize bacteria, pollens, and foods will be dependent on our individual biochemical makeup. As a result everyones’ symptoms will be different and varied, even within each person.

Our bodies have a tremendous capacity for balancing, making adjustments and compensating for our lifestyles, diet and our internal and external environments.

Factors like lifestyle, food choices and our environment, can push the body too far where it becomes difficult for the body to remain in balance. This is when symptoms appear. If nothing changes, what we consider irritating symptoms like a skin rash, achy joints, or a low grade headache, can turn into exhausted systems having to carry the burden of constant abuse, which can lead to disease and illness.

Those irritating symptoms is your body’s way of screaming out to you that it is having a hard time coping with its internal and external environments.. Changes need to be made.

“A body that is in homeostasis cannot be exhibiting allergy, it will not react abnormally to any substance. A body in balance does not have any symptoms. It only has health.”

— Caroleen Bateson-Koch, DC ND.

In this 3 part series, I will help shed some light on:

What allergy really is:

Any symptom can be allergy! Did you know that? Gall bladder issues - allergy, arthritis - allergy, migraine headaches - allergy. Allergies are not just constrained to runny noses and itchy eyes, the symptoms and how it shows up in our bodies is varied and extensive.

Do you have symptoms that may be related to allergy? Would you like to resolve them and feel better? I want to empower you to learn how it can affect you health and wellness and how to help your body maintain homeostasis.

Feel free to contact me if you want more information on allergy, your nutrition and how to improve your health and wellness. I am happy to help!



Part 1: Allergy: Symptoms

Part 1: Allergy: Symptoms

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