All tagged Allergy

Allergy Part 3: Steps to Take to Avoid Allergy

I was a wheezie, sneezie asthmatic kid. I suffered terribly with allergies, they started in late spring and lasted well into September. I would buy the bulk packs of allergy pills and would often switch mid summer to a different brand because they were no longer working for me. I will spare you the details but, be certain it was very uncomfortable and I was miserable most of the spring and summer.

As an adult, I thought I was doing all the right things, I ate fairly well, exercised and I assumed that these allergies were something I needed to accept and live with.

I was wrong!

Allergy Part 2: How Allergy and Digestion are Linked

Often times people don’t think they have digestion issues because they don’t have pain or discomfort in their stomachs. They don’t attribute the acid reflux, gas, bloating, feeling heavy after eating, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, among so many others, with digestive issues.

These symptoms are not normal and ARE signs of digestive issues.

It is a guarantee that if you eat a typical North American diet you will develop a chronic degenerative disease like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke or mental illness.

But, even if you eat a fairly “healthy” diet, you could suffer from an unknown intolerance or allergy.

Ok so whats the link between digestion and allergy?

Part 1: Allergy: Symptoms

Any symptom or condition of the body anywhere in the body at any time can be allergy. Caroleen Bateson-Koch DC ND

It is hard to reconcile this since we associate allergy with seasonal allergies. You know the symptoms, itchy, water eyes and a runny nose.

But, allergy is far more insidious than that.

Often the food we eat is the very thing we are allergic to but the connection is missed because of the time between eating the food and symptoms appearing is too long.

Food is suppose to be nourishing, why is my body reacting?

Dr. James C. Breneman estimates that between 60-80% of the population has unknown food allergies/intolerances.

Allergy, Symptoms and Detoxification: A 3 Part Series on everything you may not know about Allergy

Everyone’s body is different, we all have different genetics, different tolerances, our exposure to toxins are different, and our ability to metabolize toxins, pollens, and foods will be dependent on our individual biochemical makeup. So everyones symptoms will be different and varied within each person.

Our bodies have a tremendous capacity for balancing, making adjustments and compensating for our lifestyles, diet and both our internal and external environments. When these factors push the body to one end and it becomes too much to balance, symptoms appear. If nothing changes, irritating symptoms will turn into exhausted systems causing disease and illness