Inflammation 101: How inflamed are you?

Inflammation 101: How inflamed are you?

Let’s talk about inflammation and how it affects your health.

Major illnesses like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, mental heath issues and asthma can all be linked back to chronic Inflammation BUT many of these diseases are within your control, through a balanced wholesome diet and exercise.

So how do you avoid chronic inflammation?

Firstly, inflammation is a natural biological response and is a good thing. We definitely need our inflammatory response when it comes to fighting infection or getting a cut or an injury, this is ACUTE inflammation. This is how the body protects and heals.

Inflammation becomes a major issue when there is CHRONIC inflammation in the body.

Symptoms of Acute Inflammation are:

  • redness, swelling, pain and heat. Acute inflammation usually clears within a few days. Think about when you cut yourself, this is acute inflammation.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation are:

  • exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, joint pain, weight gain, frequent infections, digestive disorders and excessive mucus production.

Now that you know about how to spot inflammation, here are 6 common causes of chronic inflammation that are controllable.

Causes of Chronic Inflammation are:

1) Poor Diet:

  • one high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, trans fats, alcohol, gluten, preservatives, food colouring, and MSG. Basically an ACIDIC diet.

2) Lack of Exercise:

  • The Lymphatic system relies on muscular contractions, like when you exercise, to pump out the cells’ fluids, including cellular waste. Without exercise there is no contractions and the cells basically sit in its own filth. Ya, it s as gross as it sounds!

3) Allergies:

  • When the body is faced with substances it is unable to process, the natural response is to react with inflammation. This chronic inflammation will weaken the entire body allowing for other illness and disease to get their foot in the door of our overall health. Find out more about allergy here.

4) Heavy Metals:

5) Extra Weight:

  • Fatty tissues store inflammatory cytokines that can lead to chronic inflammation.

6) Stress:

  • There is a strong connection with the release of cortisol and chronic inflammation.

So how do we avoid unnecessary inflammation?

  • Exercise

  • Spring Clean your toiletries

  • Seek out any unknown allergies, 80% of people have food sensitivities/intolerances and don’t realize it.

  • Avoid heavy metals by switching to filtered water, and addressing digestive issues

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Manage stress with deep breathing exercises, meditation, exercise or creative activities.

  • Improve your gut health

  • Eliminate the nightshade family of vegetables

  • Alkaline your diet

10 Foods that are anti-inflammatory:

  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, kale. These all contain high amounts of anti-oxidants, fibre and many vitamins and minerals. Try this delicious Cauliflower Burrito Bowl

  • Dark Chocolate: Has to be 70% cocoa or higher but, yes chcocolate! High in antioxidants and flavanols

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: High in Omega 3 very effective in fighting inflammation

  • Avocado: High in fibre, and monounsaturated fats, magnesium and potassium

  • Berries: High in minerals and vitamins, fibre and antioxidants

  • Green Tea: high in antioxidants and helps prevent cell damage

  • Spices: Turmeric, garlic, onions: all very powerful antioxidants, good detoxifiers and anti-inflammatories

  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, legumes. High in fibre, and selenium a very powerful antioxidant that helps support your thyroid and immunity

  • Lemons/Limes: The easiest thing you can do, is have the juice of half a lemon with warm water each day to improve your health and digestive system.

  • Nuts and Seeds: all high in omega 3, essential fatty acids and many vitamins and minerals.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about how to reduce the Inflammation in your body, please reach out to me I am happy to help.



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