All tagged tips and tricks

10 Tips To Keep Your Nutrition On track This Christmas Season

to look a lot like Christmas!! I love Christmas time, and I know, due to Covid that Christmas is going to be different. But, I am not going let that stop me from celebrating, safely of course and only those in my bubble! So for all those people who will also participating in holiday eating and drinking here are a few tips to keep in mind, so not to over do it!

Tips to stay on track:

  1. Relax and enjoy but don’t overdo anything! Plan to fail, there will be a few more drinks consumed and more cookies eaten in the next few weeks, don’t think you can white knuckle your way through the holidays without indulging, that’s what Christmas is for. But, plan ahead and prepare accordingly.

  2. Prioritize what day/meal/parts of the meal are most important to you and indulge in a small portion. Indulge yes, eat with abandon no.

  3. Limit your alcoholic beverages and offset 1 big glass of water to every alcoholic beverage if alcohol is important to you. If it’s not then forgo it all together because alcohol is really not that great for us, see my previous blog.

  4. Try to keep your whole routine as close to normal as possible, drink your water, do your workouts, prioritize sleep, and continue with your supplements etc

  5. Bring something healthy to the party so you know what is in it and you can trust it’s good for you

My Foolproof Way to Roast Broccoli

Fool Proof Delicious Broccoli:

  • Clean, trim and chop your broccoli

  • Drizzle a small amount of good quality unfiltered, cold pressed, organic (if possible) olive oil over broccoli and season with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper and any other seasoning you want, toss all together.

  • Spread over a baking sheet ensuring your pan isn’t over crowded

  • Place in a COLD oven set at 425F

  • When your oven reaches temperature check and leave the pan in for about 5 more minutes depending on how well done your preference is.

  • Enjoy with a whole grain, pasta, salad or whatever you have.

Don't Plan to Fail: Tips for Preparing, Storing and Eating Vegetables

Eating a diet low in processed foods and high in whole foods is pretty basic and common knowledge.

Easier said than done, I know. If it was easy 61% of Canadians would not be obese or overweight, 2.3 million people would not have Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease would not effect 1 in 12 adults in Canada.

But, it does. I find that in my own personal life, if I don’t roughly plan what I will be eating throughout the week, I eat badly. Then I feel worse and there goes the cycle!

So here are a few tips that may take some time up front but totally worth it in the long run. You will be less frustrated, less stressed and you will be fuelling your body properly for the day to day stresses.

Gotcha Foods: "Health Foods" that Aren't Healthy!

A trip down the “health food” aisle can be unwittingly unhealthy, if not equipped with a bit of knowledge.

All health food is not created equal! Just because the label says so doesn't mean it is.

In 2016 the health food industry was $707.12 Billion dollars and it is predicted to be $811.82 Billion by 2021! That’s a lot of kale chips!!

But not all of the foods sold as health is good for you.

The Elements of a Perfect Salad

I truly enjoy a well constructed salad that I didn’t have to make, the reason being is it takes some work and is usually chalked up to “its just a salad.”

But, if you are just a little bit organized you can build a fantastic salad. It can be an entire meal thats satisfying and not boring!!

I see a salad as having two components: Taste and Texture

So We Are Stuck Inside. Let's Cook Something Delicious

Those of us who are doing our part and self isolating in attempt to plank the curve of this Covid-19 virus may be going a bit stir crazy. I think this is the perfect time, when our lives have slowed, way down, to get our butts in the kitchen. This is a fantastic opportunity to get creative, to try new dishes, flavours, and/or new ingredients. We have been given this gift of time and space to actually cook, rather than just stuff food in our faces while on the run, going about our daily lives.