All in Mis-information

Plastic In Our Tea Cups

I came across this article on line and was quite horrified, my English Gramma is rolling in her grave, “What is the world coming to?”

I made a commitment last year to switch to loose tea from the convenience of the tea bag, because the waste seemed unnecessary. I had no idea there is plastic in tea bags.

The BBC has a video testing a few of the most popular teas in England for plastics. The scientists soak the various tea bags in a solution of cooper ammonia for 5 days to allow for everything to dissolve except plastic!

Gotcha Foods: "Health Foods" that Aren't Healthy!

A trip down the “health food” aisle can be unwittingly unhealthy, if not equipped with a bit of knowledge.

All health food is not created equal! Just because the label says so doesn't mean it is.

In 2016 the health food industry was $707.12 Billion dollars and it is predicted to be $811.82 Billion by 2021! That’s a lot of kale chips!!

But not all of the foods sold as health is good for you.

FYI: USA Dairy is Being Sold In Canadian Markets

I know we are all busy and we can’t be on top of everything all the time. That’s the very business model “health food” companies use to get away with selling crap in the name of health food, a huge pet peeve of mine.

Don’t fear that’s why I am here!

I apologize to those who don’t consume dairy, but this is important to know and its not the most exciting topic but impacts your health.

So the USMCA deal was put into effect July 1, 2020. It’s a trade deal between US, Mexico and US. Why is this important to nutrition?

Well, part of the deal allows US dairy farmers greater access to the Canadian market, about 3.5% off Canada’s domestic dairy market.

Food Rules That You Need to Start Breaking

It has taken me a long time to figure out what works for me in terms of how to eat, what to eat and when. It’s only because it has been a struggle for me all my life!

I have been graced with not only a small frame but also the metabolism of a sloth! UGH, I can gain weight just by looking at food, I swear to God!

So, you can imagine I have followed “rules” on how to eat for some time and most of them are not helpful. I want to save you time and energy on debunking a few rules that are out there. Maybe you are following these rules for no other reason than someone hasn’t told you its ok to stop.

I have only 2 rules:

  1. Only do things that work for you.

  2. Practice good eating hygiene