Carrots: The Myth Gets Debunked

Carrots: The Myth Gets Debunked

Carrots are probably the greatest sources in beta-carotene, which does help with eye health but eating copious amounts will unfortunately not be the way to 20/20 vision.

There are 2 forms of Vitamin A

  1. Preformed A (retinol): found in liver, fish oils, egg yolks and milk products

  2. Provitamin A (mainly in the form of beta-carotene) found in yellow and orange fruits/vegetables as well as leafy greens.

    A few neat facts about Vitamin A

    • It is fat soluble, which means you have to watch your intake because any excess is stored in your body and not excreted like water soluble vitamins

    • Vitamin A is reduced by the consumption of alcohol, Vitamin E deficiency, with the use of cortisone medication, and with excess iron intake (all your high intake of red meat people),

    • The storage of Vitamin A is decreased in times of stress/illness

    • Zinc is needed to release stores of Vitamin A

    • Night blindness is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A will help with:

  • the maintenance of the cornea

  • tissue healing and growth, including teeth and bone

  • maintaining healthy skin (external cells and internal linings)

  • it’s a powerful antioxidant and important in protecting the body against infections

  • helps protect the body tissues from the damaging effects of stress, smoke, air pollution and other chemical exposure.

When they are young and early in the season (perfect at this time of the year) it is best to eat them raw or slightly steamed. They can be used in salads, soups, roasted, grilled, steamed, grated and diced among other! Don’t forget the tops, when the carrot is young and tender the tops can be used in pestos, purées and chopped like a garnish. Just wash and dry like a herb.

Carrot Top Pesto:

  • Clean and dry the tops, picking out any slimy or yucky bits

  • In a food processor combine tops, a handful of nuts like cashews, sunflower, pumpkin and a clove of garlic, the juice of half a lemon and a handful of basil

  • As the tops and other goodies are being processed slowly drizzle in a good quality cold pressed olive oil until you reach the consistency you want.

  • Enjoy!!

Please feel free to share your favourite carrot recipes! If you have any questions, concerns or issues you need help with reach out!

Happy cooking and eating!!



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