How Healthy Is Your Protein Powder? The Hidden Dangers in Protein Powders

How Healthy Is Your Protein Powder? The Hidden Dangers in Protein Powders

As a personal trainer, I come across so much BAD information about nutrition. Most trainers are well meaning and want to help but, what they offer up to their clients is just plain wrong and could potentially be harmful. Especially, when it comes to advising on protein powders.

Firstly, protein powders are not considered food, they are considered a dietary supplement. Prolong use of protein powders can build up in the liver and cause chronic health issues.

Secondly, many contain thickeners, artificial colouring, flavouring and sweeteners that can cause digestive upset, an allergic reaction, mental and behavioural instability along with a host of other issues. A powder or bar that is called “Cookies and Cream” or “Salted Caramel” flavour should be considered absolutely chalked full of artificial flavouring! Please don't eat theses things, this isn’t food.

A study by Harvard Health found that many protein powders contain heavy metals including lead, mercury, arsenic, bisphenol-A (BPA), pesticides and cadmium.

These are substances that we do NOT want in our brains and our bodies. They are associated with mood swings, poor impulse control, aggressive behaviour, depression, and impaired memory and intellectual performance.

Protein powders are expensive and unnecessary. Why would you spend so much money on something that a) isn’t food and b) going to cause further damage to our organs.

If we eat a whole foods, plant based diet that is varied and has adequate calories there will be enough protein without needing to add a protein powder. Even if your goal is to build muscle mass. See my previous blog on Protein 101 for more details.

But, Sarah the convenience! Don’t fear I have an alternative!

Here is my go to Green Smoothie, that is full of fibre, some protein and other fantastic nutrients, without the heavy metals, artificial flavourings and sweeteners!

In a blender:

1 handful of fresh greens (kale or spinach work well) - high in chlorophyl, fibre and is one of the most nutritious food of the vegetable kingdom

1/2 a ripe pear - high in fibre, selenium and vitamin c

4-5 pitted dates - high in fibre, iron, and some of the B vitamins (B3, B5)

1 tsp Spirulina- high in protein, chlorophyl, and GLA, an all around super food!

1/2cup - 1 cup of non dairy milk

A dash of vanilla

Blend well and enjoy!!

If you have questions about diet or nutrition please feel free to contact me.



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