Massive Companies Buying Smaller Natural Companies: FYI

Massive Companies Buying Smaller Natural Companies: FYI

We all vote with our dollar.

How we spend our money will either support companies that are ethical or not. I do my best to give my dollars to those companies that are environmentally ethical, are cruelty free, that respect their employees and are local.

So you can imagine how upset I get when some of my favourite natural products get bought up by massive companies. These companies like, Clorox, Coca-Cola, S.C Johnson, P&G, Unilever, L’Oreal, and Colgate-Palmolive, are not environmentally ethical, many do not respect their employees and all of the above continue to test on animals.

Here’s a good list and website for more information on who still tests cosmetics on animals and some cruelty free alternatives.

It’s not just the cosmetic industry that is not on the up and up. Food manufacturers are just as at fault. Coca-Cola has a long history of workers rights violations at bottling plants and a poor environmental record, including falsifying environmental data.

Michael Moss’s 2013 “Salt, Sugar, Fat” is a fantastic book on how the food industry is not concerned with producing healthy food but producing healthy bottom lines.

He reports on how the processed food industry’s focus is not on health but on on using technology to calculate the “bliss point” of foods and “mouthfeel” by manipulating their chemical structure. Why would they do that Sarah? To create “heavy users.” This term, “heavy user” refers to those addicted to their products, you are no longer a person to them but a source of income. I highly recommend this book, it’s a very eye opening read.

There is some promising news on improvements that these unethical large corporations are making but only due to Oxfam’s “name and shame” strategy.

I say let’s boycott these companies!

I say support your local Farmer’s Market, farmer and local artisans.

These massive companies take advantage of our busy lives and our ignorance, the only way they will change their practices is to stop supporting them with our dollars.

Stop voting for them.

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