All tagged Wellness

Yes, its Another Post on Drinking Enough Water

My apologies, to those who drink their recommended amount of water, feel free to skim through.

But, unfortunately you are in the minority.

It is estimated that 75% of Americans are dehydrated, and I suspect Canada and Europe aren’t far behind.

Water is the most important and abundant substance on Earth, it is the universal solvent and the human body is at least 60% water!

Water is the primary component of all the bodily fluids:

  • digestive juices

  • blood

  • lymph

  • urine

  • tears

  • sweat

Gut Health: Yes, It Is Really Important.

Did You Know?

  • More than 40 diseases have been linked with bacterial imbalances in the gut ie) depression, IBS, Cancer, Arthritis, Colitis, Diabetes the list goes on

  • The gut produces 95% of your serotonin, this affects moods, energy levels, and sleep.

  • Our bodies are more bacteria than human

  • Over 20 million Canadians suffer from a digestive disease costing $18 Billion in health care and lost productivity.

Yes, the topic of gut health is definitely not glamorous and can be a bit embarrassing for some but for 2 out of 3 Canadians it is a huge deal and it is important we talk about it.

It is time, like with mental health, we start stripping away the stigma and shed light on issues that truly affect our health, like the importance of our digestive systems.

The digestion system is beginning to get the credit it deserves. Once thought as just mere vessels that broke down the foods we eat and move it along is no longer the only task it does. The whole digestive track and all its components are much more intelligent, sophisticated, and involved than originally thought!

The brain and gut send messages back and forth using the vagus nerve. The digestive system tells the brain stuff and the brain tells the digestive system stuff. How? Through the microbiota in the gut! Yes, the bacteria in the gut can communicate with the rest of the body, who knew?

The Importance of Supplements: Why Diet Isn't Enough

I used to believe that we should be able to get all of our body’s nutrients from a well balanced and varied diet. Well, I got schooled on that cute sentiment while learning about nutrition.

I wish we could get all our necessary vitamins and minerals from the food we eat, but that ship sailed along time ago.

We lose 1% of our top and its nutrients annually.

This is a resource that is not renewable, once it’s gone its gone. Soil erosion is just one factor in the depletion of nutrients in our food and we can thank monoculture, pesticide/fungicide and pollution for that.

Unfortunately, our food today is significantly less nutritious.

Part 1: Allergy: Symptoms

Any symptom or condition of the body anywhere in the body at any time can be allergy. Caroleen Bateson-Koch DC ND

It is hard to reconcile this since we associate allergy with seasonal allergies. You know the symptoms, itchy, water eyes and a runny nose.

But, allergy is far more insidious than that.

Often the food we eat is the very thing we are allergic to but the connection is missed because of the time between eating the food and symptoms appearing is too long.

Food is suppose to be nourishing, why is my body reacting?

Dr. James C. Breneman estimates that between 60-80% of the population has unknown food allergies/intolerances.