Homemade  Micro Greens

Homemade Micro Greens

Eating with the seasons is a good practice to have. Like the seasons our bodies are also cyclical. Eating a juicy tomato, as delicious as it is durning the snowy months of winter is not ideal. Our bodies are looking for the squashes and the root vegetables of late fall and winter. These winter foods provide the extra complex carbohydrates, fats and protein are bodies need to keep us warm throughout the cold temperatures. However, it is also important to eat both raw and cooked vegetables to make sure we are getting all the enzymes and nutrients our body needs. Many enzymes can be lost during cooking, for example 25-35% of the vitamins of broccoli is lost if broiled! This is where sprouting your own seeds and eating them raw can come in handy. There are many, many different types of sprouts, there is the standard alfalfa sprouts, you can sprout broccoli, any lettuce, bean, radish or there are a mix of different seeds like a sandwich mix. All your need is a jar, cheesecloth, and the seeds. I buy my seeds from the local natural grocery store and follow the directions on the package. It is super easy and fresh homemade micro greens will provide your body with protein, vitamins and enzymes to get you through to the spring when the gardens will be filled with wonderful lettuces and fresh produce. Micro greens are fantastic in salads, sandwiches or sometimes I just eat them of the container! For any help with sprouting your own micro greens please reach out I am happy to help! Happy eating!



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