Alcohol, the Greatest Anti-Nutrient of All.

Alcohol, the Greatest Anti-Nutrient of All.

I was talking to a client about the blog you are about to read. He told me that the best way to get my point across is through a story, to make it personal.

People tell me about stomach issues, aches, pains,alergies, digestion issues, mental health, etc.

I ask about what diet/lifestyle, it’s ALWAYS a root cause of many of these ailments.

After a lot of “Really, Sarah I didn’t eat that bad” or “I honestly eat really well”. Ya, ok… we get to the part about alcohol, and that’s a full stop for some people.

This is what I get, “Sarah, I will not give up my alcohol, I need it.” UGH, So here’s my question for you.

As you get older what’s your worst nightmare? Mine, is to develop dementia and be incontinent. Yours, I am assuming is probably along the same lines. No one wants to lose their freedom because you can’t take care of yourself, full stop. And peeing yourself is bad too!

If you could avoid it would you?

Here’s the shitty part, Alcohol kills every tissue it touches. There is a reason why surgeons sterilize their instruments in alcohol. When our liver is overwhelmed with managing alcohol and can no longer keep up, the alcohol is circulated in our blood and finds its way to our brain, that’s the tipsy feeling after drinking. So, is it destroying the liver, kidneys and our brain, among other tissues and organs.

Alcohol is also known to deplete almost every vitamin, mineral, amino acid and essential fat, all of which carries serious consequences, not to mention it disrupts blood sugar regulation.

Here’s where your worst nightmare comes in. Alcohol displaces the good fats in our brain allowing a really bad substitute to take its place and literally destroys the brain cells. It eats away at our brain allowing for greater risk of brain impairment, dementia, and Alzheimers!

Lets’s recap:

  • Alcohol kills everything it touches

  • Alcohol depletes almost all nutrients

  • Alcohol displaces the good fats in our brains and replaces them with bad fats

Why are we relying on it to unwind and relax?

Alcohol promotes GABA. GABA, is the super chill, keeps adrenaline in check neurotransmitter of our brain, its the result of drinking that glass of wine, you are calm and relaxed after a hectic day.

To make matters worse, alcohol disrupts the only time, our sleep, where our brain gets a chance to rejuvenate and restore.

After a night of a few drinks, our poor brain can’t catch a break to repair the damage the cocktail did.

Full disclosure, I enjoy the odd G&T now and again, but it is rare and generally limited to one. I am not completely opposed to drinking, my concern is the amount and the frequency of drinking.

So, after I have just completely wrecked your well deserved and anticipated Friday night with a cocktail/glass of wine. I offer you an alternative to promoting relaxation without alcohol.

  • Make sure you are eating regularly, because irregular blood sugar will cause issues with undue stress on your body

  • Limit stimulating substances such as caffeine for the same reason as regulating your blood sugar, it causes havoc with our adrenaline glands.

  • Manage stresses, I know, easier said than done but stress prematurely ages us and really, who wants that!

  • Breathing techniques and mediations can help tremendously with managing stress and anxiety

  • Get outside and exercise. There is SO much research that shows being in nature will do wonders for your brain, body and reducing stress.

  • Give yourself permission to say NO to those things that you really don’t want to do and suck the joy from you. Just repeat after me “No, that won’t work for me.” its the best way to say no, without the long winded explanation.

  • Ensure you have a well balanced, live foods diet that will provide all the nutrients your body needs for dealing with the stress in your life.

Please reach out to me if you need help with nutrition, supplements or you have more questions with how alcohol can affect your body and mind.



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