Winter Cleanse: A Good Way to Get Back on Track and It's Not that Hard

Winter Cleanse: A Good Way to Get Back on Track and It's Not that Hard

We are well on our way into the New Year and hopefully all of the Christmas chocolates, cakes and goodies are gone. Now it’s time to get back to eating a healthy and well balanced diet. I find that this is a good time to do a winter cleanse. The importance of seasonal cleanses is in a previous blog, please read for more information! The amount of sugar, fat, salt and alcohol most of us consumed over the Christmas holidays can take a toll on the body. Our bodies do a fantastic job of daily cleansing, so a seasonal cleanse will just help support these systems and organs. Detoxification and regular cleanses are more and more important because we are constantly exposed to chemicals, pollution, radiation, processed or refined foods, preservatives, additives and drugs. For a winter cleanse:

  • Eat a lighter diet for 1-2 weeks, a Non Toxin Diet

  • No sugar, alcohol, dairy, or wheat

  • Less meat, refined foods, fried foods, preservatives and canned foods

  • Avoid toxins

  • Do include whole grains, nuts, seeds, brown rice, dark leafy greens such as kale, Brussels Sprouts, cabbage, and homemade soups

  • Drink plenty of water to help flush out released toxins

  • Rest

  • Detoxification involves changes to your lifestyle and diet to reduce toxins and to increase proper elimination. Small changes go along way, start slow and be consistent!

  • Cleansing can be a simple process or it can be a bit more involved, that is totally up to you. That is the beauty of doing a cleanse, a little goes along way and it is totally personalized.

    Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or want a more in depth cleanse protocol, or more information on a Nontoxic Diet. Happy Cleansing Guys!!

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