New Years Resolutions Don't Have to Suck

New Years Resolutions Don't Have to Suck

Yay!! We made it through the Christmas season! Fantastic, ok now let’s get back on track. The best way I have found to do this is through, yes I am going to say it, resolutions. If you don’t like that word, you can reframe it anyway you like. I came across this list many years ago and I enjoy thinking about the new year ahead of me and all the opportunities that await. I also like to look back on all the things that went right, the new things I experienced, and some of those things that didn’t go as planned. It happens, I am human and this is life, I don’t take it too personally. I celebrate the things that went well and those that didn’t, I try to see how I am able to grow from them. It doesn’t make me any less than. I like to approach Resolutions with a fun and adventurous spirit, rather than a need to improve myself. Give the list a try! It is better than the boring and not very creative Resolution of “lose 10 pounds”. Happy New Year!! May the coming year filled with many blessings, good health and lots of laughter!!

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