Food Rules That You Need to Start Breaking

Food Rules That You Need to Start Breaking

It has taken me a long time to figure out what works for me in terms of how to eat, what to eat and when. It’s only because it has been a struggle for me all my life!

I have been graced with not only a small frame but also the metabolism of a sloth! UGH, I can gain weight just by looking at food, I swear to God!

So, you can imagine I have followed “rules” on how to eat for some time and most of them are not helpful. I want to save you time and energy on debunking a few rules that are out there. Maybe you are following these rules for no other reason than someone hasn’t told you its ok to stop.

I have only 2 rules:

  1. Only do things that work for you.

  2. Practice good eating hygiene

Stupid Rule #1: Don’t eat after 7pm. Or my favourite, Go to bed hungry! What!! Why???

  • People who are sensitive to their blood sugar levels may need a snack before bed to make sure their blood levels don’t dip too low during the night. If that’s the case eat after 7pm, it’s ok!

  • Those of you who have a hard time sleeping, getting or staying asleep, definitely do not want to be awaken by a growling stomach, so a light snack before bed is necessary for an uninterrupted sleep.

Stupid Rule #2: You Must Eat Breakfast.

  • I am not a fan of breakfast. If you do not have issues with blood sugar levels and are happy to skip it, do it.

  • I only eat breakfast after I have run in the morning. After strenuous exercise your body needs to replenish nutrients so it’s important that you have something. But, if your workout isn’t until later, eat when you are ready.

Stupid Rule #3: You Must Adhere To A Strict Diet.

  • Life is far too short for this one! We are complex and yes weight gain, is at the core math BUT, stress plays a huge role in our health, how we function and gain/lose weight.

  • Just make sure your diet has lots of plants, fruit, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, all the good stuff!

Stupid Rule #4: Hanging Onto Guilt After An Indulgence.

  • If you enjoyed it and appreciated it, then that’s all that you need to do. Having guilt about what you have eaten is futile. Which leads me to the next stupid rule.

Stupid Rule #5: Feeling the Need to “Burn Off” Your Last Meal.

  • Food is not something you need to be punished for. We have all over done it, can I say the entire Christmas Season!! Let it go, acknowledge it happened and continue on with a healthy meal that is lighter, and drink a bit more water.

Stupid Rule #6: Adhering To Labels That don’t Work For You.

  • I am referring to labels like being a vegetarian, vegan or keto. I am all for trying out different ways of eating (except keto) to figure out what works for you but, if it’s not working for you and your health is suffering for it. It’s time to let it go, that way of eating is not for you. What I am suggesting is to allow for some wiggle room based solely on how you feel and what your body is telling you. Not a label.

  • I am suggesting that you be flexible and kind with yourself. If you want to eat mainly plant based but crave the odd piece of meat, go for it! This is your diet.

Stupid Rule #7: Drink a Large Glass of Water Before Each Meal.

  • Please don’t do this, as it will definitely mess your digestion up. That large glass of water before a meal, can dilute your gastric juices which can lead to sluggish digestion which is a serious problem. Instead sip your room temperature water during your meals and stay hydrated throughout the day.

If you have any questions, concerns or other rules you are following unnecessarily and need help with, please reach out!

Take care!



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