Its National Women's Health and Fitness Day!!!

Its National Women's Health and Fitness Day!!!

Where would we be without our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, and girlfriends? These wonderful women in our lives are pillars of strength and so much more. I keep the women in my life very dear in my heart. Without their support, their ear to vent to, to keep me in check or to lift me when I need it, I would not be the person I am today. I am certain it’s the same for you to! So, it is very important that we keep those very important women around us heathy and fit. I want to just focus on the adrenal glands and how stress can affect them.

The women I have met are almost always under some stress. Be it from, juggling family commitments, aging parents, a career or, and in most cases, all of the above. Yikes!! So it is safe to assume adrenal gland support is in order.

What do they do? In a nutshell they:

  • Are the glands that help deal with stress, among so many other things.

  • What damages them?

  • Stress, allergies, nutritional deficiencies and high a mounts of sugar weaken these glands.

  • Stress will deplete many nutrients, such as Vitamin A, C, E (these guys are all antioxidants, which are needed to fight free radicles ) and the B Vitamins. Minerals zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium iron, potassium, sulfur and molybdenum.

  • How can I support them?

  • To support these guys we need extra Vitamin A,C,E, All of the B vitamins, Essential fatty acids, chromium and an adequate amount of amino acids.

  • Eat a well balanced diet that is varied,

  • Avoid sugar, stimulants, alcohol and other toxins such as those found in cosmetics, household products, pesticides and preservatives.

  • Have fun!

  • Get good sleep

  • Exercise

    If you are under a great deal of stress and need a change towards improved energy and help dealing with your stress. Let’s figure out through a customized nutritional plan that addresses your stress, energy demands and nutritional needs!

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