Plastic In Our Tea Cups

Plastic In Our Tea Cups

I came across this article on-line and was quite horrified, my English Gramma is rolling in her grave, “What is the world coming to?”

I made a commitment last year to switch to loose tea from the convenience of the tea bag, because the waste seemed unnecessary. But, I had no idea there is plastic in tea bags. Why?

The BBC has a video testing a few of the most popular teas in England for plastics. The scientists soak the various tea bags in a solution of cooper ammonia for 5 days to allow for everything to dissolve, except plastic!

The tea bags tested that contained plastic was Twinnings, Tetley and Yorkshire Tea. The plastic found in the tea bags is called polypropylene and is a non degradable plastic that will last in our environment for hundreds, even thousands of years.

The tea bags that completely dissolved were Clipper, PG Tips and Pukka.

Polypropylene is both harmful to our environment and will never degrade but the effects on the body is concerning.

Polypropylene is made from petroleum and the toxicity of it varies due to the various manufacturing processes. Some studies have found that it can disrupt androgen hormones and cause toxic/stress response in cells.

Despite the assurances that this plastic is safe doctors recommend to not heat this plastic up.

The BBC contacted those companies whose tea bags contain plastic and they have committed to phasing out plastics in their tea bags in 2020.

So if you just can ‘t give up the tea bag I urge you to switch to one that does not contain plastic like:

  • Clipper

  • Numi Organics

  • The Tao of Tea

  • Pukka

Or better yet, switch to loose tea which is usually a better quality tea, and you have more control with the blends.

Using herbal tea can benefit your health in many ways:

  • Ginger tea is known to aid in digestion and sore throats

  • Green tea has high amounts of antioxidants, is know in aid in bloating, allergies and weight loss

  • Peppermint tea can be stimulating, aids in bloating, nausea, and PMS

  • Chamomile tea is relaxing, aid with headaches, and anxiety

  • Matcha Tea can aid in weight loss and is high in antioxidants, it can support your immunity and is known as a detoxifier.

If you need more information regarding your health concerns please feel free to reach out to me, I am happy to help.

Take care,



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