Winter Can Be Hard For Some People

Winter Can Be Hard For Some People

We are well into winter now and the clocks have fallen back which means we are in the dark a lot, and that can be hard for some people. I want to touch on a few tips to help keep the winter sadness to a minimum, yes there are things you can do on a daily basis to help not feel so bad during the dark months of winter.

I want to focus on just 2 neurotransmitters: Serotonin and Dopamine, both make us feel good but there are a few differences.


  • Is triggered by short term pleasure ie) on-line shopping, dating apps, eating sugar


  • Is triggered by acts of long term satisfaction ie) maintaining a regular exercise program, self care practices, healthy relationships


  • Touches 5 brain receptors


  • Touches 14 brain receptors


  • Can be addictive and can leave you wanting more


  • Non addictive and can make you feel happy and content with what you have

Maintaining good levels of serotonin is important to your overall mood and well being but it also affects our eating, sleeping and digestion.

Here are 8 things that help maintain good levels of serotonin.

  1. Get outdoors for some sunshine or use a full spectrum light daily. It is unknown exactly how light improves serotonin levels but numerous studies have shown the affects of light and levels of depression in patients.

  2. Reduce/eliminate all processed sugar. People who suffer from SAD often have difficulties in blood sugar regulation so eliminating processed sugar can help maintaining even blood sugar levels.

  3. Ensure you are getting your daily requirements of your B vitamins: Often times people who suffer from SAD are deficient in the B vitamins especially B6 and B12. So eat your greens and supplement with a high quality B Complex.

  4. Positive thinking: It can go along way

  5. Good quality protein some coming from plant sources. Serotonin needs the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in edamame, tofu, tempeh, beans, tofu, oats, fish, turkey, eggs and chicken.

  6. Eat your nuts and seeds

  7. Exercise: make it a daily non negotiable thing, and it can be as simple as a walk or a regular exercise program

  8. Meditation: Having a hard time, there are plenty of help, guided meditations, apps, moving mediations are just a few options.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any other questions or concerns about keeping winter sadness to a minimum, I am happy to help.



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